855.937.3578 [email protected]

12 Essential Cyber Security Tips

Don’t ever say, “It won’t happen to me.” We are all at risk and the stakes are high – both for your personal and financial well-being and for our Firm’s standing and reputation. Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. By following the tips below and remaining vigilant, you are doing your part to protect yourself and others. 

Q4 Quarterly Client Update

The year 2020 will forever be marked as the year of COVID-19; a virus that saw more than 20 million infected and took more than 300,000 American lives; more than 1.5 million around the globe; a pandemic that forced the entire world to shut down. This virus is still impacting our lives and infecting more than 200,000 every day. Recent vaccine developments finally offer some light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and reasons for optimism.

Sponsoring a Pooled Employer Plan?

With the proliferation of Pooled Plan Providers or “PPP’s”, planning to sponsor a Pooled Employer Plan (PEP), how will yours be different? Why a PEP Makes Sense It’s no secret that employers are faced with many challenges in our current environment. Unfortunately,...

Conquering Personal Finances

Financial freedom is more than just accruing enough money for retirement; it means you have granted yourself the financial freedom to enjoy your life in a manner that brings you satisfaction. With some simplified steps, you can put yourself in control. At Financial...

News on the Street

In regards to COVID, as a financial coach, I am often asked “Paula, what’s the news on the street? What are the concerns that you hear, and as a financial professional, how can I help?” As with past pandemics, we have high confidence that science will prevail. Until...

Financial Education for Females

Women remain at a disadvantage when it comes to retirement savings due to the unique circumstances they face throughout their lifetime. These circumstances could include women outlasting their male partner1, being a primary caregiver2, and having a higher health...