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We all know just how much having a good night’s sleep can impact us.  People who sleep well tend to be more productive at work, eat fewer calories, and have less risk of heart diseases. The key to getting these added benefits is that you actually have to be able to get a good night’s sleep.  This can be easier said than done, especially during the uncertain times that we have been living in. Our goal is to help you reduce your stress and get into a better sleep schedule so that you too can get these added benefits!


Your financial wellness could be one of the things that are keeping you up at night. Lucky for you, Financial Fitness for Life is focused on that – promoting financial wellness. We believe that everyone should be able to go to sleep at night and not be stressed due to financial issues. Each month we have financial wellness webinars that are available to everyone. In fact, our March webinar is ‘Five Steps to Creating Your Financial Plan’ something that can be scary for many Americans. Creating a financial plan can keep you up at night, where do you start and when do you have the time? What do you do if you are not on track?  We are here to help you with these questions and many more.


Of course, we know that it is not just financial topics that keep people up at night. We have put together some helpful tips to help you get the sleep that you need!
  • No screen time an hour before sleep
    • Easier said than done – we know.  To truly have no screen time we recommend not having your phone at an arms distance or putting the do not disturb on until the morning.
  • Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon
    • We all love an afternoon pick me up, but switch out the latte for an herbal tea (is that no caffeine)
  • Make daily to-do lists for home and work
    • Many times what keeps us up at night is stress.  Thinking of all the things we wanted to get done but did not or wondering did we schedule that doctor’s appointment?  Create your to-do list for work and home and go to bed knowing that everything got done!
  • Create a budget and stick to it
    • This might not seem relevant to sleep, but money issues can keep people up at night.  Wondering how you will pay your bills or planning a vacation could cause added stress.  If you stick to a monthly budget and plan ahead then finances won’t be keeping you up.
  • Exercise 2-3 times a week.
    • Staying active and having an exercise routine will help reduce stress which will, in turn, help you sleep better.  Even going for a 30-minute walk three times a week is a great start!

A good night’s sleep can make a huge difference in your life.  We encourage you to try out some of our tips and see if that helps not only the way that you sleep but your life as a whole.

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